Monday 20 July 2015

20 Worst Baking Attempts

Pintrest is full of artfully created baked goodies that look too good to eat!

Here is a list of the top 20 attempts that you also wouldn't want to eat, but for alternative reasons.

1 - The most creepy sheep cake, although surprising still looks half-decent, if you remove the comparison photo.

2 - "Breakfast is ready!"

3 - I would happily eat both of those things. I wouldn't call this a fail. Not a gigantic win, but still not the worst.

4 - "I don't get it. I went to bake reindeer treats and instead all I got were these retarded grand-ma biscuits?

5 - "This one is extra special"

6 - I think you mistook "cake" for "pancakes".

7 - I hope they didn't spend too many hours cutting out the legs.

8 - To be honest, they wouldn't have been the best treats if they did turn out. It's just dressed up fruit. no loss here.

9 - Cakepops! ..Sorta.

10 - "Mum do you have those cupcakes for my school fete yet?" "Not yet, let me just dash to the local bakery real quick"

11 - "I asked for pasta but instead I got a bowl of dropped tuna-bake?"

12 - American Pride. Mostly just looks like you ran out of white chocolate and all you had left over was some blue play-doh

13 - I would have thought you would have figured out your mistake BEFORE putting them in the oven. Cupcakes just don't rise that high, dude.

14 - Perfect for sharing at your local country club. On the last day of your membership.

15 - Close enough.

16 - I assume if you replaced the apple stem with an actual beak-like object, this would be improved immensely.

17 - I'm pretty devastated that these didn't turn out. maybe just make candycorn for next year?

18 - In their defense, it would have looked perfect BEFORE cooking, and it's still Delicious bacon. I wouldn't call this a fail at all.

19 - Well at least you tried. Pass the butter?

20 - "Mommy can I have animal pancakes for breakfast?"

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