Monday 27 July 2015

20 Worst Makeup Attempts

Makeups primary role is to help one enhance their features in a more attractive way.

Unfortunatly some attempts have the opposite effect.

1 - I imagine this is how I looked when I first discovered my mothers makeup bag, at the age of 6.

2 - I'm still trying to figure out if the double-eyebrows or the worst-lipstick-application-of-all-time is the worst part of this photo.

3 - Creepy eyes to make the creepy face.

4 - Maybe still to using a solarium instead of self-tanners, love.

5 - At what point during appl8ication did she think "Ok, eyebrows are done!"

6 - Maybe this is where the above girl got her inspo from. Once they're on, they're real!...right?

7 - Concealers main goal is to hide under-eye bags. too much can make you look like the inverse of a raccoon's coloring's.

8 - Um... yeah I got nothing for this one.

9 - Another "Mommy I found your makeup bag" toddler attempt.

10 - I'm actually hoping this was a heavily contrasted filter, and not the inch-thick scoop of foundation that it looks like.

11 - This is why you don't use your Winter foundation in Summer. It just doesn't work out well.

12 - Another victim to the "under-eye bags" concealer train.

13 - I'm not sure if that's tanner, or foundation. either way, it's not working out well. he seems to have missed a spot. (half his face)

14 - Another victim of the "wearing Winter foundation in Summer" train

15 - "I just want to enhance my eyes a little bit"

16 - I'm assuming the eyebrows were drawn on with the help of wearing a beanie for guidance.

17 - "I heard bushy eyebrows are SO IN right now!"

18 - Two tone foundation. Or she had to wipe her chin at some pint during the evening. on both sides.

19 - Wearing your Summer foundation in Winter also does not work out well. You know that the makeup assistants at Myers can totally help you shade match for free, right?

20 "Just a little concealer to hide the dark circles. perfect!"

Monday 20 July 2015

20 Worst Baking Attempts

Pintrest is full of artfully created baked goodies that look too good to eat!

Here is a list of the top 20 attempts that you also wouldn't want to eat, but for alternative reasons.

1 - The most creepy sheep cake, although surprising still looks half-decent, if you remove the comparison photo.

2 - "Breakfast is ready!"

3 - I would happily eat both of those things. I wouldn't call this a fail. Not a gigantic win, but still not the worst.

4 - "I don't get it. I went to bake reindeer treats and instead all I got were these retarded grand-ma biscuits?

5 - "This one is extra special"

6 - I think you mistook "cake" for "pancakes".

7 - I hope they didn't spend too many hours cutting out the legs.

8 - To be honest, they wouldn't have been the best treats if they did turn out. It's just dressed up fruit. no loss here.

9 - Cakepops! ..Sorta.

10 - "Mum do you have those cupcakes for my school fete yet?" "Not yet, let me just dash to the local bakery real quick"

11 - "I asked for pasta but instead I got a bowl of dropped tuna-bake?"

12 - American Pride. Mostly just looks like you ran out of white chocolate and all you had left over was some blue play-doh

13 - I would have thought you would have figured out your mistake BEFORE putting them in the oven. Cupcakes just don't rise that high, dude.

14 - Perfect for sharing at your local country club. On the last day of your membership.

15 - Close enough.

16 - I assume if you replaced the apple stem with an actual beak-like object, this would be improved immensely.

17 - I'm pretty devastated that these didn't turn out. maybe just make candycorn for next year?

18 - In their defense, it would have looked perfect BEFORE cooking, and it's still Delicious bacon. I wouldn't call this a fail at all.

19 - Well at least you tried. Pass the butter?

20 - "Mommy can I have animal pancakes for breakfast?"

Monday 13 July 2015

20 Best Annoying Facebook Girl Memes

Annoying Facebook Girl is an Animal Advice image series, which illustrates all the most annoying things anyone can do on Facebook.

 1 - How Real men treat their girlfriends

2 - You mad, Bro?

3 - Where's my prince charming?

4 - Love you BFF!

5 - OMG Best workout EVER

6 - Lol Merry Christmas Lol

7 - I'm not like other girls

8 - added by pervs

9 - Mcdonalds Best Day Ever

10 - What's a meme?

11 - Guys only like me for my body

12 - Legalize gay marriage

13 - OMG What's that supposed to mean

14 - Hashtage Beach

15 - Happy Veterans Day?

16 - Stupid Facebook Quotes

17 - Facebook status "Divorced"

18 - Personal Problems on Facebook

19 - Goodbye, Facebook

20 - Spoiled Children